A Taoist Temple

A Taoist Temple
The Taoist temple just down the road from where I live, here in Feng Yuan, Taiwan

Kenting Beach!

Kenting Beach!
Me heading into the beautiful South China Sea

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Saturday, September 18th, 2010

Ok, I've been meaning to go to Taichung on a day that is not Sunday and just slowly browse and shop. Well, yesterday I finally went! (and I will be going more often from now on ;)

Origanally I was planning to spend the day 'gallivanting' on scooters with everyone, but all I really wanted to do was shop . . . so I did! =)

On the bus ride there I figured I'd try to touch-up my roots . . . well that ended a little differently then I had anticipated, but hey, I did say at one point in the last year that I wanted to go Maryland-blond . . . .

What do you think?
Oh, did I mention that the guy who did it was very attractive . . . maybe I got distracted ;)
He and another hair dresser kept saying, "so good color" and "very beautiful!"
I really should be wearing bright red lipstic ;)

Stanly, the hair dresser who did my hair, later showed me a great little sub-shop called 'SubCar' They have the BEST subs!!!! And their fries are dang good to (they give you ketchup and mustard to dip in!!!

P.S. The 'Robert' pic I'm holding is kind of an inside joke among the roommates. It usually takes it's place on Libby's wall.

Yep, it's your typical bleach-blond!!!
Needless to say everyone was quite shocked, and Libby was especially in need of 'documenting' it ;)

Me crashing after going through all my treasures!

From earrings and shoes to an umbrella and a pillow!
All my treasures!
You can't see it, but, of course, both shoes are stilettoed
And I finally got body lotion!!! (I was surprised how much you actually need in even with the humidity!)

Outside the department store you can't go 20 feet without someone trying to hand you some sort of advertisement!
The fans were convenient though!

That night I watched a great movie with the girls who went on the happy scootering adventure.
It was a great day!!!

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Officially, I have now been in a typhoon . . . well that's what they tell me.

Saturday night we got the notice that our branch would only have Sacrament Meeting, but that those of us that live outside of the stake boundaries shouldn't come. So we decide that we'll go to a 9am Chinese ward a few blocks away from where we live.
That night it started to rain hard.
Sunday morning I "woke up" at 7am-ish just in time to hear the phone ring. It was Fenny, a "secretary" at the school who goes to that ward, she said that her church was cancelled. Well, it was very windy, but not significantly enough, from my view, to cancel anything.

My three roommates were sound asleep still, so Kristi wrote this sign and I put it on the door.
I was planning to follow said instructions when they woke up and I told them in person anyway ;)

This is a great pic from the roof at about 4 or 5 o'clock

Ya . . . nothing . . . we had a very calm, un-weather-interrupted day. In fact it was the perfect temperature outside, just a little chilly.
My first typhoon was the definition of anti-climatic.

In other news about a week ago we had a bat take a nap on our hall ceiling:
How totally CUTE is it?
I call it Fred ;)
We even got to see it fly when it tried to flee from some's attempts to catch it.
I hear that it was eventually "lead" outside.

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