A Taoist Temple

A Taoist Temple
The Taoist temple just down the road from where I live, here in Feng Yuan, Taiwan

Kenting Beach!

Kenting Beach!
Me heading into the beautiful South China Sea

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Green Island

Sunday-Tuesday, December 26-28, 2010


An entire week off and we'll start in Taitung, on our way to Green Island!!!!! 7 of us went to Green Island (in alphabetical order): Allison, Devin, Erin, Katy, Kristi, Libby, and Meg. We missed you Laura, Lien, and Whitney!!!!!!! (They were off on their own little adventures with family.)

This is my face when I'm stress free and hangin' with good friends!

We took the train to Taitung which is on the east side of Taiwan. We had to go all the way down and back up about 1/5 of the way. We got there lateish and went in search of food. We found a great Thai place where we were fortunate to hear the musical stylings of this jazz vocalist and her partner!

Yes, mom, I do cook and do dishes!
The proof is in the hostile's kitchen!

How adorable are these dogs!!!! The black one followed us everywhere the night before. Yes everywhere almost into the Thai restaurant and actually into 7-11 . . . 3 times. Finally I waited outside with her until Devin was done and then we switched!
I miss Casey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting for the ferry
Devin, Erin, Katy

?Erin, Katy, Devin Libby, Kristi, Meg?
I took a guess, but who knows ;)

Guess how much I packed for the 5 days I'd be gone, go on guess, you know me so well ;)

My purse and the backpack on the ground, can you tell, there's even room left!!!
Yes, it can be done, but only once every . . . ever?

I'm not sure how this started . . . Libby?

Devin, Flag of Taiwan

Kristi, Meg, Libby, Katy, Flag of Taiwan

I guess it's good to know, but what a scary situation that would present O.O Could you imagine a situation were you would have the need to stop and put on a full outfit!

Look closely and you will see Taiwan in the background
We are now in the vast Philippine Sea.

And now for some wind-blown pictures! The ride there was crazy!!! It was awesome, but our hair paid for it ;)
Katy, Libby, Kristi, Meg, Devin (tho, he has not need for worry ;(

Katy, Libby, Kristi
mischievous looks all around

Katy, Libby, Kristi
scarfs in the wind
It might be worth noting that someone . . . started singing "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic (after being prompted by some other person) and somehow that song popped up multiple times throughout our stay in Green Island . . . true story ;)

Meg, Kristi, Libby, Katy

It really was a crazy ride, so I guess my shoe choice had to be documented ;)

The Aftermath
not really the wind-blown look I was going for, but maybe it will start a new trend!

aka Lyudao

The orange restaurant. Really good chicken!
look closely toward the bottom left you will see an cement-orange

We met some girls who were on vacation from teaching English in Korea and they offered to take a group picture (The only one we have!)
Devin, Kristi, Erin, Katy, Libby, Meg, Allison

We started our scooter trek around the island and found this random water place . . . no clue what the purpose of the walk-way is, but we saw a tone of starfish (the spidery kind, so kinda creepy).

Libby and I exchanging cameras for previous photo op!
Libby, Katy, Kristi

Just one of those things you have to do . . .

Devin, Libby, Kristi, Katy

I take no credit for these next two great shots, but that night we went out to the furthest one and, in the pitch black, enjoyed the fact that we were done with the semester and truly on vacation!
Libby's take

Devin's Take

Here are some pictures that do no justice to Green Island, but bring back relaxing memories for me.

So we got advised many times that one of the past teachers had gone to Green Island and broke her are driving a scooter around Green Island, "There's this turn in a tunnel that's so sharp she flew into the wall!" Needless to say we stopped just before the turn and were quite underwhelmed. If the photographer of this pic had stepped 3ish feet to their left you could see the other opening of the 'tunnel.' Ok, so if you were going really fast and didn't know . . . but still.

We had an odd number, so guess who got their own scooter . . . well until one of the others broke down . . . and then again, when another broke down . . . . Fun times ;)
Devin with Allison, and Me Alone, headed into the not so treacherous tunnel

Headed out of said tunnel Me following Devin (my head is hiding Allison)

This pic is actually from the next day, but it's the only decent shot of out little purple scooter gang

The 'hostel' we stayed at was AMAZING! I think the owner was in the process of making it a hotel.
Let's compare to the one in Taitung (which I would go to again, but still):
Taitung Green Island
Rooms: 4ish per room 4ish per room
2 bunks w/ 2 SOFT beds w/
sheet blankets heavy comforters
Bathrooms: 1 w/finicky toilet privet 1 per room

Breakfast: pay per egg (etc) complementary

Owner: gone staff

There is more, but maybe the pic can tell more.


That night we went to a salt water hot springs. I believe it is one of only like 3 places in the world where there is a natural salt water hot spring. (the other two are, I think, in Japan and Italy)
Basking in the wonderful heat and gazing at the plethora of stars not polluted by light. The latter part we did again on our way home when we in the middle of trying to push one of the scooters back. We turned off all the lights, and sat in peace on the road barrier. Ah, the relaxed spontaneity of vacations!

The next day (Tuesday) everyone else went to those little huts from before to watch the sunrise, but I didn't want Kenting's amazing sunrise experience to become a jaded memory . . . . Fine, I just wanted to sleep-in, and that great bed . . . well I don't regret it!

After breakfast and check-out we went to the ex-political prison which held prisoners for reclamation during the rule of Chiang Kai-shek and a time known as the White Terror period. It still held prisoners until the late 1980s. In 1999 it became part of the Green Island Human Rights Memorial.

Propaganda Painted on the walls

So it's really difficult to resist things like this, and watch towers are just cool ;)
Allison, Meg, Katy

This pic just reminds me of LOST!
Food slot, that's where I'd be looking the whole time.
Katy's eyes

Again, hard to resist . . .
Allison, Libby, Katy, Devin, Erin, Meg
Kristi behind the camera

They're shoes made from . . . shoes . . .

One of the many things accomplished in their spare time.
In the pic you can see half of the listed prisoners. The other half are on the other sides of the walls.

As part of the museum there were wax-figures portraying daily life in the barracks.

Wax People, Katy, Meg-Erin, More Wax People

Is it me, or does it look like we could be . . . well, I don't know, but we could be something ;)
Libby, Erin, Katy, Kristi, Meg

Let the "Let pose in front of maps and flags" section begin



(what can I say, the pose was good!)







I'm not exactly sure what this place is, but it's some kind of place of worship in a cave.
Katy, Allison, Meg, Kristi, Erin, Libby
Thanks Devin

There's a field with a wall with a window . . . what would you do?

Devin, Katy, Allison, Meg

It intrigued me, don't ask why

Devin, Katy kicking Kristi . . . ?

There is no reasoning . . . again: field, wall, window
Katy, Kristi
because I can

Devin, Kristi, Katy
nice stair-step photo

A Devin's-eye-view: proceed with caution
Half of Katy

Good-bye Green Island!
Luckily the ride back was a lot smoother, and didn't require the "yea, I'm on a roller-coaster!!!!!!!" energy level. Rest is required to meet the second half of vacation.
Kristi's head, Erin's arm, My finger, Meg, Libby




While waiting for the Train to Koushiung we decided to take a stole around Taitung.

One of the most random modes of transportation I've ever seen.
I would love to know what it's function is beyond that!

Waiting for a taxi what do you do? I take poorly focused pictures of asphalt and weird people posing in front of strange statues outside of random hospitals!
Libby, Katy, Allison

Ok, I couldn't resist posting the, at first read, obvious sign from the train. I was tired and it was there to be read.

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