A Taoist Temple

A Taoist Temple
The Taoist temple just down the road from where I live, here in Feng Yuan, Taiwan

Kenting Beach!

Kenting Beach!
Me heading into the beautiful South China Sea

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Students

Friday, August 6th, 2010

I figure I should post some (30+) pics of my students. They are all crazy, but they actually can be cute . . . go figure ;)

As the day progresses I teach older and older students. Let's start off with my 10:20-11:20 class.

Kindergarten Enrichment
4ish y/o

There are actually more than in the pictures listed in the class, but one moved and one was 'playing in the park' (probably for fathers day weekend), also, Kristi teaches the really little ones: Thank you Kristi!!!

This day we finished our "Butterflies"

She's not shy, just confused, and distracted ( probably by the subject of the next picture).

Chaos is about to ensue, can you tell?

She really is shy, but REALLY loud when trying to say something that will get her a token ;)

He's smart, that's his problem.
The subject of the former picture and this little boy are definitely crushing on each other ;)

Oh how looks can be deceiving. You'll notice she has 50% more pompoms on her butterfly. How this happened is the mystery.

All in all they are a cute bunch, and teaching them for an hour each morning can be quite fun.

Moving on to my 1:30-4:30 class (I team teach this class so right now I teach them only from 3:00-4:30).

Afternoon Kindergarten
6-7 y/o

Until this week I was only teaching the boy in the red and the one in the light blue (add in the 10y/o girl that came late and left last week and you got a great little group). Now that summer break is over 3 more have joined our class creating a completely different dynamic. We'll see how it goes ;)

Fairly typical stance for all. One pretending to be dead, two trying to follow my instruction to stand up against the wall, one standing like the GQ kid he is, and one nowhere to be found ;)

They are still at the age where they want to be photographed. Say, 'cheeseu!'

How he ended up in each picture . . .

Playing tag (or in the second kid's case acting like an old man, notice the hand on back and the holding of the beard), and yes the playing of the tag was teacher approved.

I think they're trying to play 'football', but then it was just keep-away (interestingly, in this picture, the kid that it was to be kept away from currently has it ;)

Tryn' to be all cool like, 'I don't like my picture taken.'

The youngest boy starts the 'make a weird face' craze!

This one is definitely the weirdest!

All the kids made something similar to Stone Henge with their peanut butter on crackers with other crackers and raisins . . . difficult to eat . . . unless you have a mouth like his!

Or you can take the build-it, destroy-it, then-eat-it, approach.

He got over his 'coolness' when he wanted to have a weird-face picture like every one else ;)

Somehow they started a line of chairs that, when asked about, actually formed a really long 'scooter' (notice the lady side saddle? ;)

On to my first 3rd grade class, MWF 4:40-6:40. (one kid was on vacation, I usually have 10)

10-11 y/o

Playing with the balloon is entertaining at any age. This activity was teacher-tolerated due to the fact that I have to grade homework and they don't have anything to do.
The fun ended with a bang when the same kid about to hit it in this pic hit it into the fan ;)

Two of the more . . . challenging kids in class. However, the one on the left (although most of class he looks bored) gets adorably frustrated when I correct him or look confused at his chinglish (which actually isn't as bad as some), and you can't help but smile back at his big 'I know what I did was wrong' smile.
The one on the right might be mischievous, but he seems to like me . . . figure that one out! He's also quite smart, but is too impatient to put the effort in unless I insist . . . for the 8th time ;)

I finally got a pic of her after her attempts to escape the lens. She's smart, articulate, and extremely quiet!!! I have to get her to repeat things 3 times only because I can't hear her (vs. the other kids needing to in order to correct their chinglish tendencies).

This kid tried to hide from the camera as well, then got the idea that if he poised funny I wouldn't take a pic . . . he was wrong. He's smart and tries to be funny a lot (bet you couldn't have guessed that).

She was the best evader, this is the best pic I got of her. She is the most consistently smart kid.

I finally figured out I could act like I was taking a pic of something else and then quickly turn it on them, hence the blurriness, but you can see their faces!
The one on the left is smart and everyone likes him (he seems to be good at a lot of things).

She was also a difficult subject to capture, I think she finally gave up. She's probably the most shy, but love hip hop style dancing and is good at it!

It's hard to keep track of who you've gotten a pic of and this was the best pic of him. He's kinda shy, but quick to answer! He and the kid to his left tend to distract each other a lot (I find this oddly cute . . . sometimes).

Although they tried to evade the lens themselves they love to show off their stuff.
She can actually use this abacus (she tried to teach me . . . I fail).

They all have crazy packed pencil cases!!!! Pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters, white-out strip applicators, extra led, rulers, etc., etc., etc.!

This is an 'official' stamp used to sign docs. A lot of them had them that day for some reason . . .

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

My last class is my second 3rd grade class, TT from 4:40-6:40 and S from 8-10.

Yes, I work from 8am-10am on Saturdays ;)

There are actually 6 kid in the class, but the girl hardly ever comes, one of the boys is supposedly in America, and the other was in Taipei that day (the one in the pic just below just got back from Disneyland Tokyo!!!

11-12 y/o

It was a chill class with just two, and neither wanted their picture taken, so I didn't press it, also the window made it bad lighting.

This kid is very smart and is too quick to get his work done creating boredom and room wandering/trotting. ;) However, he is very kind and loves doing things for others.

If this kid isn't ADHD I don't know who is . . . alright it's probably just too much energy and a strong dislike of writing. He's good at it when he puts his mind to it (or there's a competition ;) but he'd much rather throw paper airplanes (which I participate in far too often ;).

I like this pic. If you look closely the kid on the left is (as per usual) talking, and the one on the right is in his own world!

Well those are most of my students. They can all be frustrating, they can all be cute, and they all add to the joy I find in this strange profession I've chosen!!!

(That night)

I actually went on a hike! (the whole thing was on a paved road going all the way up the mountian near our school, but it was up-hill the whole time, surrounded by jungle ;)

It was foggy, so the pic is bad, but it honestly felt like a movie with the layers of mountain and the foggy sunset! And then, out of nowhere, there was a haunting Buddhist chant! It made the hike seem very surreal! Then the chant finished and there was some old Chinese love ballad (yes they have karaoke the temples).

Vids of two of my classes: AK and 3b1. (I know how to put them in the middle of the post, but I was too lazy this time ;)

Balloons: Entertainment for all ages!

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