A Taoist Temple

A Taoist Temple
The Taoist temple just down the road from where I live, here in Feng Yuan, Taiwan

Kenting Beach!

Kenting Beach!
Me heading into the beautiful South China Sea

Sunday, March 6, 2011

TOKYO, JAPAN!!!!!!!!

Saturday-Wednesday, February 26-March 2, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My alarm was set for 4:15am, but I was up around 4:05 I was so excited to go to Japan! We took a bus from the school to the Taipei International Airport. We got breakfast on the way, which was a variety of Chinese breakfast foods which my stomach didn't consider breakfast, especially so early in the morning ;)

When we landed in Japan we took a bus to Tokyo and toward our first stop.

One of the random views from the bus. I'm not sure why, but I really like this pic.

Our first stop was Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine built with wood taken from Alishan, which is a mountain in Taiwan.

First group photo!

Carri's 2 sisters, Sue's Sister, Carri, Sue, Vivian, Brain, Cami, Peggy, Yvonne, Holly, Charlene, Mandy, Amy, Katy, Allison, Andy, Cindy
Regina, Sue's daughter who's studying in Japan, also hung with us a few times. And I don't know where Larry and his mother went . . . they are the older brother and mother of one of my writing students!

Yes, I was part of an Asian tour group!

Katy and Allison

Scott informed me as to what these are:
"You are standing in front of a wall of sake casks! Apparently, it's better luck to offer it to the gods than to your stomach (and you don't barf as much too!)"
Arigato Onii-san!

Katy with sake casks!

On a side note, the weather felt so great, all cold and crisp!!!!! Oh, I loved it! I couldn't resist soaking it in with no jacket. All, but Allison though I was crazy, but it just felt so great! (where can I find humid summers and dry winters?!

However it might seem, I'm not completely crazy, I did put my coat on eventually, it is winter after all!


The main building of the shrine

These are prayers/wishes people write down on the wooden plaques and hang up here.
These plaques have prayers/wishes written on them. Everything from "Let there be world peace" to "Let me pass the exam!"


Our next stop was . . . well I still have no idea where we were, but it was a cool random shopping street that was near the temple we had gone to.

Allison, poising for another photo, got caught in mine ;)

That night we stayed at a 5 star hotel! There were no mints, but they did leave origami on the pillows. I got a turtle and Allison got a crane. They came with wishes for us to have long lives just like the animals which we were given. (10,000 years and 1,000 years respectively)

This display was in the loby.

Katy, Allison, Mandy

We were also provided with kimonos so of course we had to take pics.


Katy, Allison

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A day in the mountains.

First stop was another Shinto shrine.

Katy, Charlene, Allison, Peggy, Yvonne

The first snow I see all winter and this is it! Doesn't it just remind you of home?! Actually, with the crisp clean air, and the smell of pine, I became fabulously home sick!

A shrine with pines surrounding it. It became very peaceful and calming.

This is a mini shrine just outside of the main shrine. I'm not fully sure of it's purpose, but it did intrigue me.
I'm not sure if those white piles on the second step are salt or snow, but I think the former . . .
Can you see the mini dog-like statues, those intrigued me the most.

This section specifically has a very Japanese feel.

This isn't a great picture, but I just loved the mix of pines and bamboo!! I tried to capture it, but I failed, so you'll just have to pretend you know what I'm talking about.

Next we headed off to a pirate ship . . . not sure why, but it was a nice ride on a cool ship!

I was in a very strange mood . . . . hey, but note the shoes, I didn't grow up in UT for nothin'! I know how to dress for the mountains ;)

Katy vs. canon

Japanese flag, and Cami

We next headed to Yunessun, a big hot-spring spa resort. We soaked in Charcoal, Flowers, Coffee, Green-Tea, and Wine (yep, I have a little bit of pink still on my swimming suit from the last one! But I mean how many people can say they've actually bathed in wine!

Holly, Peggy, Carri, Cindy, Amy, Mandy

Holly, Katy

Next we went sledding! Technically fake snow, but fun none the less!

Amy, Allison, Katy, Peggy

Katy, Charlene, Cindy

It might be fake, but I still missed it!

Katy and Snow

Ok, I had to buy the picture taken by the dude, hey, I'm on vacation!


Next up was Mt. Fuji! The picture op place was a quaint old fashioned village. This contraption grinds rice using the power of the river which is run-off from Mt. Fuji!

Our view from the village of Mt. Fuji!

Mt Fuji meets Mini Mt Fuji

Beautiful Mt Fuji!

Katy with Mt Fuji

And again, the majestic mountain is featured.

We stayed at another hot-springs resort. This time we got cool karate-type clothes which people wore all around the place. This hot-spring was a naked hot-spring . . . did I go? . . . yes . . . would I go again . . . .

Katy, Allison

Vivian, Katy, Holly, Charlene, Allison, Yvonne, Peggy

I had to switch to the girls style, which was cuter

Katy sporting cuter karate-like hot-spring-gear

Monday, February 28, 2011

First, I was told we were going to an anime street, then they said anime park, it turned out to be a museum about the works of a famous anime creator (he's more than just an artist). Pretty much any anime movie that comes to the US is made by this Hayao Miyazaki guy.

There was no photography allowed so to show you the coolness:

Ghibli Art Museum

I got this image from:
I do not claim it as my own.

I have seen a couple of his movies, and they are definitely interesting. My friend, Thereisa, from teaching in Russia strongly recommended Princess Mononoke, which is a very typical of his style of "strong female protagonists that go against gender roles common in Japanese animation and fiction." Allison fell in love with his works and is now an avid fan! I throughly enjoyed the layout of the museum itself which makes sense, since "Miyazaki's aim was to make the building itself part of the exhibit."

Ok, I'm done with the promotion ;)

The Sensoji Temple was our next stop. Sensoji is apparently Tokyo's oldest Buddhist temple.

Temples in Japan are definitely different from ones in Taiwan. They share a lot of similarities, but the differences are felt very distinctly, though I can't put it into words . . . Japan seems calmer.

Maybe that's because it was very cold outside at the time ;)

Katy and Andy's finger

Again, doors, I really have a thing for them! And folding doors on top of that, nice!

We were given time to go shopping around the temple. I looked around a little at the shops leading to the temple, but I wasn't feeling well and there were a lot of people and the shops were already cramped, so I went down the side street we had taken to get there, I thought I had seen wireless-headphones (which I had been looking for in a general sense for a while now, I think it's a silly thing to not exist . . .). Anyway, the rain turned to legit snow, and so I reveled in that for a minute and then went to a mom and pop store/restaurant to look around and found:

At first I didn't get it, and even left that store, but that and a couple other things called me back. (the prices weren't bad either!)

After a trip to a duty free store (which exist in abundance in Tokyo) where I bought the requested kimono robe for Kiri, Betsy, and myself, we went to Aqua City Mall for 4 hours of shopping (apparently there are some brands you can only find in Japan).

After a day of not having enclosed shoes that can get wet (I opted for sandals rather than soaked shoes a conclusion I reached after the "Paris Insentient" ;) I was glad for the chance to buy legit boots. Still, I am picky with my footwear. It actually happened at the last shoe store in the mall that "Eternal," the latest single from my favorite Japanese singer Jin Akanishi, came on the radio, and then voila, my new boots appeared. They had a descent heel, a cushiony insole, something funky about them (that's very important), and (almost as important) they were seriously on sale! (about 20 USD, where can you beat that?!!!) With that savings I further justified a cute hat I'd seen at GAP (I didn't think to bring a winter hat to Taiwan, so being faced with a winter Disneyland the next day, it was definitely on my list)

Ok, we all know my thing about shoes and accessories, but I'll move on ;)

While we were all shopping, Allison was, surprise, exploring places most people wouldn't think to go. How tragic is it that I missed seeing this beautiful skyline just because I didn't think to go outside! and in the snow too!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing Allison!

That night we stayed at Green Tower Hotel (not 5 stars, but very comfortable ;) Plus, we got to use these very stylish night shirts!

Katy's reflection, and Katy
Ok, this apparently happened in the the other hotel too. An anti-fog area of the mirror! The Japanese just got the bathroom down, toilets, mirrors . . . and . . . ok well the toilets alone trump everything: heated seats, different bidet functions, and occasionally the convenient sound masking sound options (from music to the sound of a flushing toilet), it took a few times to get used to, but now I'm sad every time I sit on a cold toilet ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tokyo Disneyland!!!!!!

Cinderella's Castle

Check out the boots and hat, not the best pic of either, but you get the idea ;)

While waiting for the entertainment in front of the castle to start we went on the Pirates ride, and due to my excitement in reading that there was a mini movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola, produced by George Lucas, and staring Michael Jackson (Captain EO) we also saw that!

After the show at the castle we went on the Haunted Mansion, Winnie the Pooh, and, while waiting for the parade, the Buzz Lightyear rides.

Tigger, Pooh, Katy

So Disneyland has this great habit of amazing food. Check out the honey-popcorn!!!!! My new favorite thing ever!

Yvonne, Katy, Honey-Popcorn

While waiting for the parade this duck got gutsier and gutsier

Katy's leg, Yvonne, Charlene, Duck, and ?Regina's? legs

The one Disney character I wanted a pic with: The Toy Soldiers

Yvonne, Toy Soldier, Katy

So we found this pink bow . . . and then there's the popcorn containers . . .


Peggy, Katy

Brian, Katy
we were board . . .

Notice anything strange?

Check out the custom, costume-fitted, rain-coats! If the costume had one big sleeve and one small sleeve so did the rain-coat!

When asked what they were doing next the little group I was with replied "Shopping." Well as much as I like shopping, I was in Disneyland, and was in serious need of the bigger rides and basically a typical 'American' way of doing Disneyland. Thank heaven we randomly ran into the group Allison was with, because apparently she felt the same, so we headed off to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!

Allison, Katy
Waiting in line for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

We also went to Space Mountain. Ten minutes after standing in the same exact spot everyone was told that the ride was closed down and we were given free fast-passes for any ride, which, after 3 or 4 tries and it still being closed, we were able to use on Space Mountain! Among the rides in between were Roger Rabbit's and the race way (where the wheel is on the right side of the car, trippy!) We opted out of Splash Mountain due to the fact that we were already wet ;)

We also hit the penny arcade and had crepes for dinner!

Where there's a well theres a pic . . . yep that's it.



Katy, Allison
In front of Cinderella's Castle

I did go shopping in Disneyland, who could resist an opportunity to eat with Micky's hands?

Which end to use, it's a dilemma

Not so much welcome as sayonara!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This was probably my favorite day!
(the night was very sad due to the whole flying home thing, but the day rocked!!!!!)

Allison and I took a train from Chiba to Tokyo and just went where we would! Allison is pretty much amazing at the whole wandering around thing, so I knew we'd end up in some great places if I just followed her lead, it worked!

To start the day off I came across an advertisement, featuring one of my favorite actor/singers, for . . . a 3D suit? It's embarrassing, but I had to absorb all of Japan that I could in the last few hours I was there, including acting like the fan girl I tend to be ;)

Kamenashi Kazuya, Katy
note the shoes, I'm not stupid, I would be following crazy-energetic-Allison all day!

Allison got a list of places to go from her friend:

First stop: Akihabara.
I guess it's know for being Tokyo's "Electrical Town" however, we were there too early and most everything was closed. But don't doubt Allison's wandering abilities, she decided to go down some random alleyway and we found this street (well we came out of the one on the left and found this statue).

Before the statue, however, she decided to go into a random arcade and this is what we found there:

(you know those photo booths we have in America? Well Japan, of course, took it a few steps further)
Of course it was all in Japanese, so we had some . . . struggles . . .

Luckily some girls came and shyly helped us out.

The lighting that helps delete all imperfections (like the bags around my eyes!)
The booth also did insta-photoshop! Actually taking away our freckles :( and enlarging our eyes . . . .
After taking the pictures we were able to 'scrapbook' them.

The one on the left was our first attempt, the one on the right was our second attempt (not knowing that we had been successful in our first attempt), and the one in the middle was from another 'more natural looking' booth (there were like 15 all cramped into a small space on the upper level of the arcade, so we had to try another)

Ctrl-Click on the pic and it will open full sized in a new tab

Keitii-chan to Arison-chan
(Katy and Allison)

Next stop: Ueno Park.
Apparently it has a zoo, an amusement park, and a museum. All of which we did see, but, being limited on time, we stuck to the statues and shrines.

Prince Komatsu
A career soldier in the Imperial Japanese Army
Also, a diplomat to many European countries.

The former Toshogu Shrine


It's actually being rebuilt (again) so it was not an . . . active . . . at the time.

We saw many of these around the park. I'm not really sure what they're for, but I pretty sure they have to do with the whole 1,000 cranes thing.

Red Tori gates leading to another shrine.



Can you believe it! I got to see not just cherry-blossoms in Japan, but I saw them falling too!!!

Sho Sakura
small cherry blosoms

So, there were a bunch of crows in the park, so a picture was needed.

love that he's looking at me

Things like this ignite my historical-research drive
Among the many memorials this was the one in English . . .

reflection of Katy and the Benten Hall

I took a purse and camera organizing brake while Allison wandered a little. I looked up, thought it was a good pic, and didn't look back. Well, the better pic would have been ten feet to the left where I would have captured the huge pagoda connected to it!
Opportunity lost, lesson learned

Kiyomizu Temple

Right, these pics are out of chronological order, but it's time to recognize some cultural differences.

First, the glamorized truck. From the pic you can't really tell, but yes, it shone fabulously in the sun!

Second, the construction workers. They really do wear the puffy pants!
They're called Tobi and derive from the Edo Period. The puffiness provides flexibility while the tight wrapping around the ankle and calf apparently help with blood flow and improve ones ability to work longer hours. If you can open the pic full size you'll see that they are also wearing the split-toed shoes thus making it easier for them to gage ground conditions (or tree condition in their case).

Two Tobi-attired Japanese construction workers

Next stop: Ginza
Japans shopping district! You would think I would want to spend hours here, but you would be wrong. I came all the way to Japan to experience Japan, not go shopping! shocking I know ;)
We spent all of 10 minutes there, then went back to the metro to head for Tokyo Main Station and to find food.

While we failed at finding food, the exit we took to get out of the metro led us to and unexpected stop. As we were following the signs leading us to an exit we came into a sort of photo gallery section of the tunnel leading to the exit featuring historical events and pictures of seemingly random things like flowers, and statures. This was surreal in and of it's self, but next we see a sign, "The Imperial Palace Gardens Exit this way." What a great fortuitous happening!!!!

Swan in what might have once been a moat?

We arrived at the back and had to the front. By this time I was finally feeling the effects of following Allison around all day and we were running short on time, but it was fate, there was no way we would pass up this 'fate offered,' . . . ok, heaven sent opportunity!

As with all palaces it was originally a fort.

Katy at the main gate

Even the guardhouses seemed awesome to me

Can you see Allison? I pretty much had this view of her amazing backpack throughout the gardens.

We made it to the top with a great view of the gardens (I do love the winter look) with a great city-scape backdrop



Allison and Katy

The stones were just so amazing we had to take many pictures with them!

Check out the great mono-chromatic theme!
(right, so I should have cropped off my legs, but . . . the rest work! ;)

Let's contrast my photography to Allison's . . .

Good picture of Allison, by Katy

Great picture of sakura, by Allison

It all boils down to desire. I can take a great picture, but I didn't have the time or desire. She makes the time due to her desire.

Enough with the philosophical. I prefer creepy storage huts (these places just 'make' history for me!)

Again, the stones were amazing! I just think they're so beautiful!

We weren't allowed to see the actual palace, sad day, but we did try to get pictures of random other 'hidden' buildings.

taken whilst walking past.
(yes, I just wanted to use 'whilst' in a sentence ;)

As we were taking pictures of ourselves going out of the gate, two very kind, and surprisingly talkative gentlemen came up to us and offered to take our picture. In turn they asked us to take theirs.

It's a door in a door, my obsession with doors was peaked!

Katy and doors

We finally got food at the metro and headed back to Chiba to eat.

To round off the days pictures, on the train there was an advertisement featuring the first Japanese actor/singer that helped trigger my love of Japanese pop-culture!

Matsumoto Jun advertising the Android "au"?

Yes, they really do advertise in tissue packs!

Advertisement for a taxi company we got from a taxi

We ate our metro food (a coffee house sandwich and sushi-to-go) on the second floor outside area of the Green Tower Hotel, we were staying at. This trippy statue was there and it just called for a photograph.

Katy with trippy statue

Sadly the time to fly home came and headed off to catch our 8:30 flight back to Taipei :(

While waiting for your delayed plane what better way to spend your time then to do some overly priced airport souvenir shopping!

This sign was an explanation of the headbands they were selling which had the kanji to the left on them.


Last picture of Allison and me (she actually takes these pictures upside-down to make it easier, random). We were fully tired from the day, but fully happy with it at the same time. We were settling in to watch our respective movies. I got to watch Tangled, which I had been told by many people that I needed to see! I also read some of RotK, which I have yet to finish, hence the glasses.

Allison, and Katy

Before the movies, Allison, having a great view from the window seat, took some amazing pics of Tokyo at night.

view of Tokyo at night from our airplane

I look at this picture now and wonder how it has changed since the tsunami that occurred just over a week after this picture was taken . . . .